There’s Always a Place for Gratitude

I took a social media pause from Twitter (X) since I dunno when and how long will it be. In 2023 I was’t on Twitter for about 4 months and this 2024 is going about 2 months of absence I think. That platform is just so overwhelming with its constant heating argument from random people, sometimes on heavy topics, oftentimes over silly matters. So, I deleted the apps 😅 but…

The irony is, last week I stumbled into a quote in Instagram which was taken from Twitter (the apps I paused myself from 😂) that serves as a kind reminder. Oh how the irony is. Lol.

Guess, cross posting content has been common nowadays. Thank God, the heating argument isn’t migrating to IG too, just some of the quotes. Anw, don’t forget to be grateful for everything. God’s way is always perfect.

Happy Easter!

Ten Things Make Me Happy This week

Go to:

1. My hot water works

2. I get enough sleep the whole week

3. Wake up fresh and energized in the morning

4. Long walk with hub

5. Lazy Sunday morning

6. Lovely books

7. Fresh coffee that smells sooo good

8. Old series available in Netflix: Law & Order (going to 2nd seasons) House (now on 3rd season), Sex & the City (just started), Suits (now on 8th season).

9. Catch up with an old friend

10. Slow breathing

Those put lotta smiles of happiness on my face. ☺️☺️ Geez, sometimes we forget how blessed we are. ‘Coz if that’s not blessed, I dunno what is. Thank you, God. Teach me more to count your blessings daily.

Anw, what made you happy this week? Happy Sunday!

Sangrai Arabica & Blueberry Bolu Meranti. All were gifts. Thank you

I Remember

I remember the way you glanced at me, yes I remember

I remember when we caught some stars, yes I remember

I remember all the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I

I remember all the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof that night

Do you remember when we were holding hands in the rain in that October?

I remember when we were together for week and any other week without any disturbances even a phone call/text, I remember

I remember coz you gladly and willingly did that, I remember

I remember the way you read your books

Yes I remember the way you tied your shoes

Yes I remember the cheese cake you loved the most

Yes I remember the way you drank your tea

Taken from Mocca’s album with some adjustment to personal memories 😊

Mama I Love You

I have an on and off relationship with my mom. Yeah, just like many other mother-daughter relation, during my teenage and young adult time I argued with her a lot. And mom objected plenty: about my mini skirt choices, my male friends or the breached curfew. Differ than my dad whose being protective by sending people or making sure I had someone who’s eyeing me, mom would use words. Flying out her teeth like speeding bullet: fast, sharp and hurtful.

Now, I have a good relationship with my mom. We went on a trip together exploring Vietnam and Cambodia, Singapore also Australia. Mom also takes care of my son whenever I needed to go for business trip but still with our current state, I still thought I had a terrible teenage year.

Anw as you can read from my blog posts, lately I journal a lot about my childhood involving her. And I am reminded that actually I had lots of good times with my mom. It’s funny how my mind tricks me to stick on the bad time teenager memories than the sweet childhood one whilst tbh I had even way better memories with her.

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I Love it All

I love putting on make up to my face. It looks good, I feel good.

I love dressing up, covering myself with lovely clothes. It made me happy.

I love wearing high heels and skirt. I feel sexy and joyful.

I love reading books and enjoying my own company. I feel content.

I love being hugged. I feel safe.

I love being driven even though I can drive. I feel spoiled.

Yet, I am fine with my bare face or doing things by myself. I am okay with PJs and flip flop also some crowds. I love it all.